Avaura, a brand, a safe space.

👋 Hey there! I'm Avni🎓 I've recently graduated in Commerce, my heart belongs to the arts. From a young age, I've been all about exploring different art forms, whether it's bringing melodies to life through singing or capturing the world around me on canvas and paper.🎨 My toolkit includes everything from acrylics and watercolors to glass paintings, and I love playing around with graphite pencils, charcoal, fine liners, and ink too. I'm all about discipline, passion, and dedication, but I believe art is also about having fun and connecting.📱 So, let's chat about art, share tips, and inspire each other!

Welcome to AVAURA

A Cute Little satin bow, with extensive details. Took months of practice to reach on this stage.

Pencil Shading

My latest artwork, a meticulously shaded pencil drawing of a satin bow inspired by the heartfelt value of handmade birthday gifts, this piece celebrates the unique joy and personal touch they bring into our lives.
I recently tackled a unique challenge: creating a detailed, realistic drawing of a stapler.

A Cute Little satin bow, with extensive details. Took months of practice to reach on this stage.

Product Design

A Cute Little satin bow, with extensive details. Took months of practice to reach on this stage.

This product design caters to the global traveler, inspired by the needs of both work and leisure explorers. Crafted to endure diverse weather conditions, our bags boast sturdiness and durability, ensuring they remain intact through air transport and beyond.

Abstract Art

In a little breather from the exam rush, I found solace in creating an ink painting. We all know how exams crank up the stress levels, right? This artwork became my outlet, pouring out all the stress and jitters onto the canvas. It’s more than just a painting; it’s a snapshot of the rollercoaster of emotions felt while hitting the books for those exams.

⬇ The piece below marks my first adventure with watercolors. It's special to me because it symbolizes life's constant shifts—its highs and lows, changes, and the importance of embracing it all. Through this painting, I've tried to capture the essence of flowing with life's tide, to find contentment in its ever-changing nature.

âž¡ I crafted this piece with a 0.8 thickness Micron pen, aiming to give form to the swirl of emotions and feelings that words often fail to capture. The year 2022 marked a period of transition and challenge for me, as I navigated the unfamiliar corridors of a new school. This artwork embodies the struggle, the sense of repetition, and the discomfort of being in an unknown space, almost like wandering in a maze without an exit. It's a visual narrative of my journey through a time of adaptation and the quest for belonging.

A Cute Little satin bow, with extensive details. Took months of practice to reach on this stage.
A Cute Little satin bow, with extensive details. Took months of practice to reach on this stage.

⬅ This piece was sparked by an inspiration I found on Pinterest, delving into Suminagashi, an ancient Japanese art form. Suminagashi, or "floating ink," is the process of marbling plain paper with water and ink to create a mesmerizing pattern.

Journal Spread

Welcome to my favourite section!!My journal offers a cozy corner to weave my designs, reflections and photography together.Vincent Van Gogh, a personal favorite and a heart-stealer for millions, left an indelible mark on the art world in a brief but brilliant career. His legacy teaches us the virtues of kindness, patience, and self-love, illuminating our paths with his enduring influence on modern art.

Water Painting

Inspired by translucent hues and fluid strokes to create ethereal and vibrant artworks.

Charcoal Painting

Charcoal art, with its rich, deep blacks and versatile shading techniques, offers a powerful medium for dramatic contrasts and raw emotional expression.

5 Minute Sketches

That's all for today folks! Thank you for exploring my website 🫶Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram—I'd love to connect and hear your thoughts. 👋